Let's talk

If you want to get in touch to organize a booking for me to speak at one of your events, then leave me you name, number, email and a quick message and i'll get in touch with as quickly as possible.

God Bless.


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GO Training


Go Training.

Nicola is passionate about EQUIPPING the church to win souls for Christ.  Nicola believes that most Christians want to share their faith with their friends and family, they just don't know HOW, or they are fearful.  Nicola's GO TRAINING workshop demonstrates to every believer how easy it can be to hook the Gospel into an ordinary conversation to win people for Christ.

GO TRAINING covers subjects such as:

  • Going the Bold.

  • Your story is for His Glory (the power of your personal testimony)

  • Proclaiming the Gospel.

  • We are all ministers of reconciliation.

  • Prayer is the work and Evangelism is the mopping up.

  • Spend the sacrifice.

  • On tour with the Holy Spirit.

  • Make a dent.

  • Looking for hooks.

  • Overcoming objections.

  • Pushing through distractions.

  • Sorry, please, thank you.

  • Expect them to come.


Nicola is available to mentor and coach you. Do you need your personal testimony SHAPED, SHARPENED and ready to SHARE?

To book a GO TRAINING session or a one on one COACHING PACKAGE just fill out the form on the by clicking 'Find out more' below and we'll be in touch to make work out the finer details suit your specific needs.